Leveling Up Care for Kids

We want to live in a world where one day all of us can look back and ask: “remember when hospitals didn’t have video games?”
Each year, millions of children and their families receive medical care inside hospitals. For many, the process can be scary and isolating. During hospitalization, kids lose access to friends, school, and moments that typically define childhood.
We’re on a mission to change their experience.
Gamers Outreach works to restore a sense of joy and normalcy in the lives of hospitalized children. We believe the world is better when kids can play, and gamers have the power to help.
Video games, when easily managed in hospitals, make play accessible at scale. Games are enjoyed by all age groups, and they offer a range of activities. Our goal is to ensure all hospitalized kids have access to play – and we’ve chosen video games as our tools of choice.
Our event, Gamers for Giving, exists to help build that future.

This year, we’re inviting streamers to join us during the week of March 20th - 26th and help raise funds in support of Gamers Outreach programs.
The outcome of everyone’s effort will be tangible, and the impact will last far into the future.
We’ve set three fundraising goals for this year’s event. Here's what we'll be able to make happen if each is achieved:
- $500,000
- 100 Wishlist GO Karts. There's a long list of hospitals that've requested GO Karts. A portion of funds will be allotted towards fulfilling requests once our new units roll out this summer.
- Save Point Inventory. Our first Save Point machine is distributing items to kids, and we need resources to ensure it stays filled throughout the year ahead!
- Upgrade Kits. An allotment of our older GO Karts (donated up to 12+ years ago in some cases) are due for new games, consoles, and controllers. A portion of funds raised will enable us to provide refreshed gear to hospitals.
- $750,000
- New Save Point Machines. We've two more hospitals that are eager to receive Save Point machines. If we reach this goal, we'll be able to start work deploying this year!
- Player 2 Training & Gear. With volunteer opportunities returning, we've nearly 53 hospitals in our network at varying stages of activating Player 2! Funds at this goal will help us equip volunteers with training materials and upgraded toolkits for servicing gaming devices in hospitals.
- $1,000,000
- International Hospitals. Reaching the full $1 million will enable us to support GO Karts for international facilities throughout 2023. We expect to deliver anywhere between 50 - 75 units with these funds, pending costs of international shipment.

We’re excited to chase after these goals with you all, and looking forward to making an impact with the help of everyone’s involvement!
Interested in joining? Whether you’re streaming from home, or joining us at the LAN, fundraising campaigns can be created on this year’s Tiltify page, located here.
We’ll also be releasing fun asset & GFX packages for your streams in early March, so be sure to check back for those updates!
We’ll see you March 20th - 26th for the big event!